If you have recently lost a tooth or have had missing teeth for years you know it isn’t much fun. Even if you wear dentures, you still aren’t able to do what you used to do when you had natural teeth. Enjoying a steak or biting into an apple just isn’t possible with missing teeth.
Missing Teeth All on 4s and More
Avenue Dental Care are the experts and can replace your teeth in a day with the remarkable All on 4 Dental Implant System.
With All on 4s you can walk in with missing teeth and walk out with a temporary replacement set of artificial teeth that you will feel comfortable wearing while you heal.
This type of tooth replacement system is best for people who wear dentures or for people who are missing teeth. All on 4s are also an excellent solution for patients who are having all of their unsightly and broken teeth extracted.
If this is your situation, talk to Avenue Dental about extracting and implanting your posts on the same day. This saves time as two procedures are completed in a single dental visit.
If you are only missing a single tooth, Avenue Dental Care can help with that as well with single dental implants.
Single Dental Implants
During surgery, a single tooth, implant posts or screws are implanted into the jaw or on the bone. Once healing is complete, this could take as many as 18 months if you have bone grafting, you are ready for your new artificial tooth.
Bone grafting is often recommended if you have missing teeth. This normally happens if the missing tooth is on the top. In other cases, bone grafting is recommended for people who suffer from bone loss.
Your New Tooth
Your new natural looking tooth is crafted to match the color of your smile. As a result, dental implants shine just like the rest of your teeth. Best of all your new artificial tooth is matched to your smile so that no one is the wiser. Dental implants mean no more missing teeth.
Although your new dental implant or implants won’t decay you still must take good care. In addition, continue to pay extra attention to your gums.
Sometimes people with implants forget to floss. This causes gingivitis and periodontal disease. Gum disease is one of the reasons implant failure occurs.
Dental Implants for Missing Teeth
If you are interested in dental implants for missing teeth, call or send a text and have a chat with Avenue Dental today.