If you have been considering dental implants for denture replacement, look no further than Avenue Dental Care for All on 4 dental implants.
Your Everett Washington dentist has got you covered and best of all, you might not need to undergo bone graft surgery. Because Avenue Dental Care are the experts you are in the best hands.
Bone Grafts Not Always Necessary
Bone graft surgery is usually required for patients that don’t have enough bone to hold the implant screw.
People who have missing teeth have lost much of the bone because there is nothing to exercise it.
The roots of your teeth play that part well. When they are gone they can’t do the job and that is where dental implants come in.
All on 4 Dental Implants
All on 4 dental implants are the modern way to replace missing teeth and it doesn’t matter how long they have been gone. Furthermore, you probably won’t have to wait months and months for healing with uncomfortable temporary dental implants.
The temporaries from your implant dentist in Everett are usually placed the same day as surgery. In addition, they are extremely comfortable. Actually, they are far more comfortable than your dental bridges or dentures ever were.
All on 4 dental implants use 4 screws or posts per plate instead of one post per implant. That makes surgery and healing quicker.
Good Candidates for Dental Implants
Your implant dentist in Everett Washington explains that the best candidates for All on 4 dental implants are people who are missing most of their teeth.
People who wear dentures and those who have been told they need to extract the rest of their teeth are also suitable for this type of tooth replacement.
If your health is compromised, it’s best to talk to your primary care physician and your dentist in Everett as some chronic conditions affect healing.
If you are a habitual smoker or drinker it’s best to give up those habits as well. Not only are they not so good for overall health, they are not so good for oral health either. In other words, smoking impedes healing.
All on 4 Dental Implants
Much less time consuming than conventional replacements, All on 4 dental implants are just about right for everyone. Best of all, they could be right for you.
If you would like more information regarding All on 4s call or send a direct message. Avenue Dental Care in Everett is ready to give you a healthy and beautiful smile.