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Dental Implants for You Yes You

If you have always wanted permanent teeth but have worn dentures for years you are now in luck thanks to dental implants.

Become a patient of Avenue Dental Care and you too can enjoy natural teeth after dealing with removable ones for decades.

All On 4s Dental Implants

All on 4s are remarkable tooth replacements that people with missing teeth are falling in love with.

They are falling in love with these dental implants because they can walk in with a broken smile and walk out with brand new permanent teeth. It really is that easy.

What’s more is that people who had been told they needed bone grafting surgery before dental implant surgery may not need it at all.

According to the team of dentists from Avenue Dental most patients won’t require bone grafting if they are having the All on 4 dental implant system placed.

Why Dental Implants?

There are a million reasons people love these tooth replacements but one of the biggest would have to be how they make them feel.

For people whose teeth have failed for years All on 4s are a true life saver. These people are now able to enjoy the foods they used to love. Those same dental implant patients never have to worry about teeth falling out at a dinner party either.

Dental implants are the healthy replacement for missing teeth as well. They are healthy because just like natural teeth the implant screws or posts exercise the bone.

Your implant dentist in Everett has the experience and knowledge to determine what dental implants are right for you. For some the solution could be single dental implants. For others it could be multiple implants or All on 4s.

Replacing Missing Teeth

Avenue Dental can’t stress the importance of having a full set of teeth. Doing so keeps your entire mouth healthy as well as the rest of your teeth. You see, every time you lose a tooth another tooth that you still have suffers.

For example if you lose a back molar the opposing molar will move into the position where the space is.

That is right, the tooth can and will actually grow into the space whether it is in the upper or lower jaw.

If that isn’t bad enough, missing teeth make it difficult to brush because other teeth will crowd trying to make your smile perfect again. Sadly, that will happen unless you opt for dental implants or All on 4s.

All on 4s and Dental Implants

If you would like to replace your missing teeth schedule a consultation with your Everett implant dentist today.





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Family Dentistry for the Entire Family

When it comes to oral health you won’t find a better family dentist than Avenue Dental Care. Looking after every member of your family, Avenue Dental offers all of the family dentistry services you need.

From dental sedation and dental implants to cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics you are in the best hands when it comes to oral health including early dental care.

Family Dentistry in Everett

Your Everett dentist explains that dental care starts from the very beginning. After the first teeth erupts wash with a cloth or baby brush. Continue to take care of each new tooth as it starts growing in. This is also the perfect time to start showing your kids.

Children love to mimic adults. Take yours into the bathroom in the morning and at night and show them how to brush. Let them watch you brush and floss as well.

It’s also important that you schedule your first pediatric family dentistry appointment when that first tooth erupts as well.

Avenue Dental is the dentist in Everett that kids love and who wouldn’t? The environment is warm, welcoming and friendly with all of the amenities to keep your family occupied.

Teens Family Dentist in Everett

This children’s dentist in Everett has everything you need when it comes to your kids oral health and the oral health of everyone else in the household as well.

While most teenagers insist they are young adults oral health is still vital, especially if your son or daughter is dealing with tilted or tipped teeth.

While any bite issues will be nipped in the bud because of early dental care with Avenue Dental your 15 year old may not have had problems as a toddler. You and your family may not have been patients of Avenue Dental Care at the time either.

Your Avenue Dental Care is able to examine your teen’s teeth and gums to determine if there are any bite or jaw joint issues.

If you have noticed your son or daughter grinding or clenching it is definitely time to schedule an appointment with your dentist in Everett.

Orthodontics and Family Dentistry

Crooked and tipped teeth are easier to take care of the younger the patient is. Of course orthodontics work on people of all ages, but your kids will enjoy a mouthful of straight and healthy teeth before they become adults when you invest in braces or clear plastic braces early on.

Everett Family Dentistry

If you are interested in learning more about family dentistry, call and schedule a consultation today. Your entire family will thank you for it.

Send a message today.

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A Dental Emergency is Never Planned

A dental emergency is always unexpected. From lost fillings to knocked out teeth no one ever expects a dental emergency to happen but they certainly do.

Avenue Dental Care is always ready to take care of you and your families dental emergency needs whether your son took a fly ball to the jaw or your daughter fell off the balance beam.

A Local Doctor for a Dental Emergency

Every dental emergency is, well, an emergency. Having a local family dentist that is able to put the tooth back in the socket and repair a broken wire is imperative for the oral health of everyone in your family.

If you have a dentist that is located an hour from your home you’ll have a tough time saving a missing tooth.

According to Avenue Dental Care you only have a certain amount of time to save a knocked out tooth. Time is of the essence and if your dentist is out of town you could miss your opportunity.

Quick Tips for Dental Emergencies

Knocked Out Tooth

If you have a knocked out tooth locate it and gently grab it by the crown, not the roots. You do not want to disturb the delicate nerves and tissues.

After you locate the tooth clean as gently as you can being careful not to scrub the bottom of the tooth. If possible, place the tooth roots back into the socket.

If you are unable to put the tooth back hold it between your cheek and gum or place in a bowl of cold milk and get to your dentist’s office in Everett as quickly as possible.


If you have a toothache, rinse your mouth using warm water. Floss any food or debris that could be caught or trapped in or around the tooth. This will cause pain. Never use aspirin on gum tissue on the tooth in question, or any tooth for that matter. Your dentist explains that aspirin is not good for either.

Call your Everett dentist as quickly as possible to schedule an appointment to get to the root cause of your pain.

Broken or Loose Wires

If a wire breaks it will cause damage and irritation. In order to avoid damage to the surrounding tissue, use gauze or orthodontic wax to cover the sharp edges.

Seek immediate treatment if the wires gets stuck in the gum tissue, tongue or cheek. Never attempt to remove it yourself.

If you have a dental emergency call your Everett dentist right away. Waiting could mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth.

Call if you are in pain today.


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All on 4 Dental Implants are Remarkable

People who have had missing teeth for years don’t have to wear dentures anymore. In fact, if you are a denture wearer, you can now have dental implants placed. Best of all, in some cases, you can walk in with missing teeth and walk out with a brand new smile.

All on 4’s Dental Implants

Avenue Dental Care in Washington explains that the remarkable All on 4 Dental Implant System uses four posts per arch instead of a single post per tooth. That means less healing time.

If you know anything about dental implants, you know that one post per tooth used to be the norm, but not anymore.

All on 4 Dental Implants withhold the pressure of daily life. In fact, your Washington implant placement specialist explains that these types of implants can last for up to twenty years or more with proper oral hygiene. Yes, proper hygiene.

While you may not think you need to brush and floss you actually do. Because your dental restorations are permanent, you won’t be removing your false teeth for cleaning.

You’ll need to brush and floss as you used to and follow a healthy diet. Your implant team also recommends twice yearly appointments or more to make sure your implants are healthy and functional.

Missing Teeth Oral and Overall Health

It’s no secret that missing teeth cause problems for oral health. However, it’s important to note that missing teeth also cause issues for overall health.

Periodontitis, the incurable type of gum disease, has been linked to stroke, heart attack and Alzheimer’s disease.

Periodontal disease is a serious gum infection caused by bad bacteria. That in itself is reason enough to schedule an appointment with your dentist in Washington.

The Best of the Best

When you work with the team from Avenue Dental Care you’ll have a one on one All on 4 Dental Implant consultation. One of the implant dentists in Washington will discuss everything including your medical and dental history.

It’s important to note that all dental implants used by Avenue Dental Care are made from dental grade materials and are bio compatible.

Every All on 4 Dental Implant post will fuse to your bone giving it life again. This is also excellent for facial structure as the minute a tooth is lost the bone structure starts shrinking as well. Don’t forget, tooth roots exercise the bone.

Dental Implants in Washington

Avenue Dental has All on 4 locations all over Washington and probably one close to you. Call or send a direct message and schedule a no obligation dental implants consultation today.

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Annual Dental Care Day Everett WA

Forever giving back to the community, Avenue Dental Care is proud to announce the Second Annual Dental Care Day.

Scheduled for September 11, 2021, this awesome event is just another way Avenue Dental Care gives back to Everett.

Giving Back in the Best Way

These days most people could use a helping hand, especially when it comes to dental care. On Saturday September 11, Avenue Dental Care is opening its doors to people who can’t afford dental care.

From 11:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday September 11, you and your family and friends can take care of dental problems for free. As a result, everyone can get the dental exam they need without worrying about money.

Whatever the issue you’ll get the treatment and recommendations you need to pave the way for healthy teeth and gums.

No Cost Dental Care Day in Everett

Avoiding much needed dentistry in Everett because you couldn’t afford it isn’t an issue thanks to Dental Care Day.

As caring doctors, Avenue Dental Care realizes that some aren’t able to take care of toothaches much less bleeding gums. Whether it’s insurance or the means to even join a dental club.

As most know dental problems will only get worse. A simple filling becomes a large restoration and crown while gingivitis progresses to periodontal disease.

With the no cost Dental Care Day you and your family will receive the dental checkup that you couldn’t afford when you needed it the most.

Community First with Avenue Dental Care

Avenue Dental Care in Everett has always put the community first reaching out whenever and wherever possible.

The second annual Dental Care Day in Everett WA is just one of the many ways the doctors and team gives thanks to the community.

If you would like to learn more call or text and talk to a team member from Avenue Dental today.

Whatever the issue you can rest assured the licensed and dedicated team of dental professionals in Everett is committed to the health of you and your family. There is no end to what the team won’t do.

What You Can Expect From Avenue Dental

Expert dentistry is what you will find at Avenue Dental in Everett. From implants to endodontics, every patient is treated as an Avenue Dental Care family member.

The team understands that every patient is unique offering customized restorative and cosmetic solutions that you won’t find anywhere else.

Call or text and find out more information about Dental Care Day in Everett now.