Sleep Apnea treatment in Puyallup and Everett WA
Categories Sleep Apnea

Discover the Secrets to Combating Sleep Apnea with Targeted Treatment Plans

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a severe sleep problem. Those with sleep apnea cease breathing momentarily during sleep. Hundreds of times a night, these pauses disrupt sleep and cause health problems. Should you have sleep apnea, there are steps you can take to enhance your well-being and quality of sleep.

Changing Lifestyle to Prevent Sleep Apnea

These good lifestyle choices can aid with milder forms of sleep apnea:

  1. Not gaining weight: Most often occurring in those who are obese or overweight is sleep apnea. Obesity can aggravate neck fat deposits, which raises your risk of airway collapse. Keeping a good weight by eating a good diet and consistent exercise will help you lower your risk of sleep apnea.
  2. Frequent Movement: Three to five times weekly at least thirty-minute exercise helps lower your risk of sleep apnea. Moreover, exercise helps to regulate your sleep pattern and quality.
  3. Keep away from alcohol: Reducing your alcohol intake will help lower your chances of sleep apnea, especially near bedtime. If you do not wake up should your oxygen level drop, alcohol might cause more heavy sleep and aggravate snoring. Moreover, drinking can cause your tongue to relax more, which would lead to snoring.
  4. Cut back on smoking: By aggravating upper airway inflammation and affecting upper airway muscle actions and arousal mechanisms, smoking can worsen sleep apnea. Untreated sleep apnea has a correlation with smoking addiction.
  5. Mouth workouts: Mouth exercises to strengthen your tongue and throat muscles—oropharyngeal muscular exercises—may help ease symptoms of sleep apnea.

Practice of Sleep Hygiene

Apart from implementing good lifestyle choices, keeping consistent and good sleeping habits helps to reduce symptoms:

Change your posture for sleeping. Sleeping on your back raises your chance of constriction of the airways. Sleeping on your side, though, can help the airways remain open.

Sit in a sleep posture. Try putting a sleep positioner—wedge-type pillow—behind you to stop you from turning onto your back should you wake up on your back in the middle of the night.

Keep to a sleeping regimen. Although this won’t cure sleep apnea, regular sleep hygiene helps to create a normal sleep pattern.

Moist your bedroom. A humidifier can help ease sleep apnea’s dry mouth effects.

Attach a nasal strip. Nighttime nasal strips or dilators help to increase airflow and lessen snoring. Usually found over-counter in any drugstore, nasal strips and dilators are not expensive.

Medical Actions Against Sleep Apnea

If your sleep apnea is mild to severe and lifestyle adjustments have little effect on symptoms. Devices exist to help open airways. Possibly required is surgery as well. Medical therapies used to stop sleep apnea consist of:

Constant positive air pressure (CPAP). Many times used to treat sleep apnea, the CPAP machine is a breathing aid. Wearing a mask over your nose or mouth, a CPAP lets you sleep by continuously pressing your upper airways. While sleeping, the air pressure facilitates breathing and helps to keep your airways open.

Oral devices. Form-fitting dental appliances, sleep apnea mouth guards move your tongue, jaw, or soft palate to widen the airways as you sleep.

For those suffering with sleep apnea, there are several surgical choices available:

  • Implants: A palatal implant is a minimally invasive procedure used to strengthen the soft palate therefore lessening snoring.
  • Uvulopalatomy with laser assistance: A surgeon removes tissues from your mouth and throat in laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty to widen your upper airways and boost airflow.

Call us right now for an evaluation if you have sleep apnea.

Sedation Dentistry in Puyallup and Everett WA
Categories Sedation Dentistry

Is Sedation Dentistry Right for You? Factors to Consider

Are you scheduled for especially protracted dental surgery not too far off? Perhaps you find yourself somewhat nervous before a routine exam or visit. Whatever the case, we are here to make sure your time seated in the dentist’s chair is comfortable and simple. This is exactly the reason we provide patients of all ages with sedative dental treatment.

Sedation Dentistry

Let’s examine this treatment closer up. Sedation dentistry mostly serves to enable patients to relax during several dental treatments. One of the most often used methods is a local anesthetic injection; a specific medicine is given to you to relax your nerves and can be taken in numerous ways.

Patients who find it difficult to remain motionless for prolonged durations can find especially helpful sedation dentistry close by.

  • Calls for specialized treatment.
  • Battle dental phobia—fear of the dentist.
  • Have specific requirements.
  • Deal with great sensitivity or have a very strong gag reflex.
  • To eradicate all discomfort or suffering.

This service will help the dentist work fast and effectively; you will be out of the chair in no time. Over the appointment, your vital signs and reactions will be under close observation.

Note that sedation dentistry should only be carried out by a licensed dentist with training in this particular field of treatment.

Which Kind of Sedation Is Applied in Dentistry?

Dentists most often administer sedation in two forms:

Because of the exhilaration and relaxation patients feel, most people refer to nitrous oxide as “laughing gas.” One wears a mask covering their nose to inhale the gas. You will be awake when the dentist treats you.

Speaking Orally:

Taken either before or the morning of the appointment, oral sedatives are pills. Their degree of sedation will vary depending on the dosage from mild to moderate.

Intravenous: The medicine is straight into your veins via an injection in your hand or arm. You will go into a state of great relaxation and lowered consciousness. More difficult or invasive dental treatments often call for this.

General or deep sedation could possibly be advised depending on your circumstances. The appointment will be totally inconvenient for you. Here to provide this to patients is an anesthesiologist brought in.

To what extent safe is sedation dentistry?

It’s quite okay if you feel a little nervous before having sedation dentistry. Still, patients of all ages should be quite safe. Still, it’s good to keep in mind that sedation dentistry carries potential hazards, much as any medical treatment does. Several elements determine the degree of risk: the type of sedation utilized, the dosage given, the general health of the patient, and the training and experience of the dentist delivering the sedation.

Dentists have to follow rigorous procedures and criteria, including having emergency equipment always on hand and getting a complete medical history and physical examination before the operation, thereby guaranteeing the safety of every recipient.

Before agreeing to anything, be sure your dentist addresses the advantages and possible risks of sedation dentistry.

dental crowns in Puyallup and Everett WA
Categories Crowns

Comparing Temporary vs. Permanent Dental Crowns: What You Should Know

Starting to become somewhat trendy today, cosmetic dentistry has many people spending more time in the dental office. You really should have a dental crown if bad oral hygiene causes decay in your tooth. It is designed to guard the deteriorated teeth. We shall go over the variations between permanent and temporary crowns in this blog.

Temporary Dental crown:

An implant or natural tooth is protected by a temporary cap until your permanent crown is created and installed. Made with a substance meant only for a brief period, it is joined with temporary cement. It might cover a tooth restored, a dental implant, or a tooth with a root canal.

The transient cap is fragile. This is why, while you have a temporary cap in place, you should especially pay additional attention when brushing or flossing your teeth.

You have to keep your next dental appointment for a permanent crown since a temporary crown is only a band-aid treatment. Two to three weeks or more will pass with your temporary cap in place.

Permanent Dental Crown:

Most main dental issues related to your teeth, such as broken, damaged, chipped, etc., will call for a permanent crown.

The dental practitioner files down and shapes your tooth to create room for the permanent crown. They next lay a strong bonding cement to guarantee the caps remain in their original position permanently.

Why would one choose a permanent crown rather than a temporary crown?

The following explains why you should choose a permanent dental cap over a temporary dental crown:

  1. Made From Strong Materials: Human teeth endure much wear and strain. This is hence why the materials used to make dental caps have to be able to withstand this. One can design a permanent crown out of several materials, including porcelain, ceramic porcelain, etc. These materials’ great strength stops chipping on the outside of the rebuilt tooth and breaking.
  2. Improved Attention: Your teeth will grow more susceptible to infections and other disorders the longer you wait. A permanent cap fits better than a temporary crown, hence it has more retention. The seal is tight, hence it stops a new cavity from developing around the restoration.
  3. Beautiful appearance: Improved appearances are still another main benefit of a permanent crown. Designed at the dental lab according to teeth impressions to match the patient’s remaining teeth, they seem natural. It is then returned to the dental office where the dentist will gently cover the patient’s decayed tooth.
  4. Last longer: This long-lasting fix for permanent teeth restoration is Remember, your cap will stay on your teeth longer the better you treat it. Usually, the permanent cap needs replacement five to fifteen years after it is installed.

Make sure you therefore arrange regular dentist visits. It will guarantee that your crown will operate as it should. Visit our website now or give our dental professional a call to learn more about varieties of dental crowns.

Dental Veneers in Puyallup and Everett WA
Categories Dental Veneers

How to Choose the Right Color and Shape for Your Dental Veneers?

More than 25% of all people find it unpleasant about smiling due to their teeth’s appearance. Fortunately, modern dentistry has advanced a great distance. Like veneers, there are various more cosmetic dental choices available to assist individuals obtain that ideal smile.

This article will walk you through selecting the ideal veneers for your smile. To learn more keep on reading.

Various kinds of veneers

Perfect smiles you have always wanted can be obtained with dental veneers. Still, selecting veneers is not a “one-and-done” kind of operation. You have a number of choices at hand.


The options for veneer materials have lately changed significantly. Though there are hundreds of materials to pick from, three primary groups—plastic, ceramic, and composite—a mix of plastic and ceramic—can help one organize them.


A cosmetic dentist can fit dental veneers into your mouth in several ways. These few procedures can affect the outcomes, so one should be conscious of them.

Under the conventional approach, the dentist will gently remove some material from your natural teeth. This allows the veneer to establish a natural and flawless bond. The dentist may precisely cement the veneers to your natural teeth once impressions of your teeth have been taken.

As their name suggests, temporary veneers are only meant for transient use. Often used during the period before conventional veneers fit are these ones. Though they seem nice, they barely last a few weeks and are not very robust.

How to Choose the Best Veneers For Your Smile

Knowing the several kinds of veneers today can help you decide which ones to have. But how do you do that? Let’s review some guiding ideas to assist in your decision-making.

Consider Your Own Tooth Size

You should take the natural shape of your teeth and which ones will require veneers into account while selecting them. Three varieties of teeth exist:

  • Premolars
  • Incisors
  • Molars

Find out from your dentist which teeth require veneers and what material would most suit them.

Think of the sort of smile you wish for:

Whether you are aware of it or not, your grin has a very particular form and much depends on your teeth. Getting your dream smile depends on selecting the proper form for your veneers.

Every tooth is unique, hence you can essentially create virtually limitless combinations from them. Knowing the type of smile you like to show is crucial since there are various distinct categories for them. When selecting your veneers, think about your personality and the smile you wish to project.

Select the Appropriate Color:

Once you acquire your veneers, you have numerous hues to pick from. There is a four-fold standardized color chart split into:

  • Gray:
  • reddish-yellow
  • brownish-red
  • Reddish-gray

There are eleven additional toned subcategories inside each of those divisions. Usually, your veneers look best in roughly two tones lighter than your natural teeth.

Think about your facial shape:

Choosing your veneers also depends much on the general form of your face. Four types define most forms:

  • Round
  • Square
  • Oval
  • Round
  • Triangle
  • Heart

Every facial shape has ideal tooth forms and sizes that serve to complement the rest of your characteristics.

Shorter, rounder veneers help to accentuate the hearts-shaped features. Oval-shaped faces appear perfect with square teeth since they give the face fullness. Longer, more dramatic veneers accentuate round-shaped faces. Lastly, rounder teeth help square-shaped faces to soften other characteristics.

Get Your Face Perfect Veneers

Knowing all the several kinds of veneers today will help you to choose the ideal ones for your smile.

Dentures in Puyallup and Everett WA
Categories Dentures

Life After Tooth Loss: How Dentures Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Usually, dentures are connected to the past. Not only are older persons who have lost teeth benefited by dentures.

Sad to say, millions of people worldwide deal with this. Just in the US, over 178 million people lack teeth, with approximately 40 million having lost all of their teeth.

This article explains how, with dentures from a dentist, you can enhance your life in ways you would not have thought possible, from preserving dental health to providing unmatched comfort to reinstating essential activities.

Restoring Function with Dentures

More than simply a means of filling in tooth gaps, dentures are the key to resuming daily pleasures and activities. Dentures bridge the spaces between teeth. Missing teeth should never be allowed to interfere with enjoying even the most basic things in life.

Enhancing Dental Health

Your dental health is actively benefited by them as well. Dentures prevent teeth from moving, maintain the density of your jawbone, and equally distribute the pressures of chewing, ensuring that your mouth will remain healthy and functioning. Another effective digestion of food and clearer speech are two other advantages.

Partners in maintaining your dental health and your confidence in your smile are dentures. See a dentist to learn more about this important procedure.

Fit and Comfort

With contemporary dentures, fit and comfort are top concerns. Because they were made to feel comfortable and secure, they allow you to go about your daily business without any pain or worry about instability. If you feel comfortable, you may fully participate and relish the experiences of life.

Maintaining and Cleaning Dentures

The right care determines how long and healthy dentures will last. Avoiding abrasive toothpaste, clean your dentures every day with a soft-bristle toothbrush and denture cleaning. Dentures kept moist and free from warping overnight are soaked in a solution.

With adjustments made for comfort and performance, the proper fit and condition are guaranteed by careful handling and routine dental exams. Bleach and other strong chemicals should be avoided since they can damage denture material. If you heed these advice, you may protect your denture investment, maintain them in excellent working order, and enjoy their benefits for many years to come.

Concerns and Difficulties Addressed

You can get beyond the challenges that come with every trip.

  • First Pain: Getting used to dentures can be uncomfortable at first, but it will go away with time. Adjustments are something your dentist can assist with.
  • Speaking: It could take some practice to speak clearly. Your vocabulary will increase if you speak slowly and pronounce words correctly.
  • Eating: Initially, eating may feel odd. Cut softer meals into smaller pieces and chew them evenly on both sides to start.
  • Denture Adhesives: Your dentist can recommend denture adhesives for those who can benefit from extra stability.
  • Care: Check your dentures often for wear and damage, and see your dentist right away if necessary.

Be ready for a replacement every five to seven years because of wear and oral changes.

Under the direction of your dentist, resolving these problems enhances the comfort of wearing dentures.

Dentures are, finally, the secret to regaining the happiness of everyday living. You have the assurance from them to fully enjoy the pleasures of life. Dentures let you eat as you like, conduct in-depth, meaningful conversations, and smile with confidence.